How Should Children Wear a Mask?

Masks keep on being a simple but powerful tool to help prevent the spread of covid19.They are especially important for children ,who are too young for vaccine.

A well fitting high quality face mask reduces the chance of catching covid19, as well as spreading covid19 infection to others. Face masks shouldn’t be worn by children if they are 2 years old.

Infants and children under  2 years old are too young for the vaccine and too young to wear face masks .

Why wear masks  at  daycare, preschool or school?

Well fitting face masks worn by everyone 2 years old and older and adults, including child care teachers, regardless of vaccination status, protects them as well as others especially if they are not vaccinated.

Schools, students, teachers, staff and visitors should be  supported if they continue wearing masks. The same is true for anyone who continues wearing masks for sports.

My child just turned 2 . How do I Help them get used to wearing a mask?

Face masks have been around for a couple of years, but mask wearing is still new to a child who is turning 2. Here are a few ideas that might help make your child more comfortable when are getting used to wearing a mask:

  • Look in the mirror with the kids face masks on and talk about it.
  • Show your child pictures of another children wearing them.
  • Draw on their favorite book character.
  • Practice  wearing  face  masks at home to help your child get used to it.
  • It may be challenging for very young children not to fidget with their mask.
  • Expect to give your child plenty of gentle reminders not to touch their face masks.

Just like children understand that they must wear bicycle helmets and buckle into their car seats, they will learn to wear masks correctly and routinely when needed.

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How can I explain to my child why they still need a mask at daycare?

For children under 3, it’s best to answer their questions simply in language they understand.

If they ask about why people are wearing face masks, explain that sometimes people need to wear them to stay healthy

What about kids with special healthcare needs?

Children with weakened immune systems or who have health conditions or special healthcare needs that put them at high risk for infections are encouraged  to wear an N95 mask for protection.

What type of face mask is best?

Look for  a well fitting  comfortable face mask that fits your child’s face.At this stage, the medizer mask will be the most suitable choice for you and your child.The mask should fit securely under the chin, cover the mouth and nose.

Along with covid19 vaccination and boosters, mask wearing when recommended and other safety measures such as physical distancing, testing and hand washing are key to reducing SARS-COV-2 infection and spread.If you have any concerns about your child’s health, talk with your pediatrician.

The good news is that mask wearing has been linked to lower rates of covid19 in schools. Masks provide an additional layer of protection against covid19 and have been shown to decrease  the risk of getting the disease.

At first, the children struggled with wearing the masks.In this situation you can buy a variety of patterns and colorful prints for the children to choose from. So in a few weeks the kids will get used to their masks.

From 10 months of age, children begin to recognise basic emotions (happiness, sadness, fear and anger). This development reaches its peak around the age of 5 or 6 years.Parents shouldn’t worry too

much. Kids are very adaptable to the environment. If one channel is blocked, they will go to another channel.

Heading back to the classroom? Keep kids safe with these COVID-19 tips. |  Northwestern Medicine

Introduce your children to Medizer.Net .You can find all fun, colorful and high quality masks in this store.A personal touch can help make masks a more normal part of their routine.Together we can stop the spread.